Sunday, April 26, 2009

lotus in the rain

As time flies by, I thought I learned all I had to learn. I thought I was done. The grueling, painful process of learning was over. But, I was wrong.

I question. Why? Why still? Why aren't we over with this yet? Why is there yet more wait? In a whole mesh of complications, why hasn't a solution come through, like a lotus appears in a muddy pond?

I'm not sure how to start this post, so I'll try my best to put down my feelings as they are right now. I see some dewdrops of rain, left behind by a huge thunderstorm, the coming of a new beginning... As afraid as I am for what might come, I'm eager. Anxious for the raging black hole to open up finally and suck in all the pain and leave behind the good.

The fight for the right and for justice continues. And it's climaxed to one of the most gruesome, unbearable points...but there's no turning back now. I keep telling myself, and I believe this to be true: It is the law of nature. What goes up, must come down. And...what goes down, must rise. The time is coming, OUR time is coming...when the right rises, and the wrong falls. I know that God is with us and will stay with us throughout. I believe that these testing times will be over soon. I believe that we will regain, health, wellness, confidence, and the victory that was always ours. I believe that my words are not merely words, but a premonition of what's to come.

I pray for everything to come together, all the forces of nature, all the goodness of the world, and sprout out that lotus that we so seek in this muddy and lonely thunderstorm.

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